Current Federal Tax Developments

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2016-12-19 Pre-Holiday Tax Topics

This is Current Federal Tax Developments for the week of December 19, 2016 - Pre-Holiday Tax Topics.  Current Federal Tax Developments is brought to you by the state CPA societies and Nichols Patrick CPE, a Division of the Loscalzo Institute.

This week we’ll look at the following:

  • Supreme Court declines to review Colorado use tax decision from Tenth Circuit
  • Couple found to have willfully failed to file FBAR reports
  • Interest on purchase of land ends up being capitalized into almond trees
  • The 2017 mileage rates are out
  • Grading and soil compaction work on residence lots found to qualify as homebuilding and for completed contract accounting
  • Failure to conduct activities causes a loss of exempt status
  • Remember that due dates to get W-2s and 1099-MISC with nonemploye compensation have moved to January 31 this year

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2016-12-19 Pre-Holiday Tax Topics Ed Zollars, CPA

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