Current Federal Tax Developments

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April 11, 2016 - We Didn't Really Mean That...

For this week of April 11, 2016 in Current Federal Tax Developments we look at:

  • IRS formally disagrees with Tax Court’s view on taxability of tax adviser damage award
  • Informal IRS letter indicates additional conditions under which an employer HSA contribution may be refunded
  • Depreciation limits and lease inclusion amounts for autos for 2015 and 2016 published by the IRS
  • Trust allowed to enter into agreement of interpretation of terms to allow for QSST election
  • Omitted gift statute rule doesn’t keep open years after the omitted gift
  • A lesson in dicta, as the IRS discovers the Tax Court decides it didn’t mean what it said in passing in a separate case

Current Federal Tax Developments is brought to you by the state societies of CPAs and Nichols Patrick Incorporated

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April 11, 2016 Current Developments - We Didn't Really Mean That Edward K Zollars, CPA

A PDF of the articles for this week's topics can be downloaded below.