Current Federal Tax Developments

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May 23, 2016 - There's Always a Gotcha

Due to my travel to Toronto beginning on Friday, I'm actually recording this on Thursday rather than the normal Saturday date.

This week on Current Federal Tax Developments we look at the following:

  • New attorney loses his attempt to get nearly 50 year old regulation declared invalid by Tax Court
  • Designated Roth IRAs can now be more easily rolled over
  • There’s Always a Gotcha - Taxpayer discovers that text that told him gain wasn’t taxable in treaty overridden by text elsewhere in the treaty
  • When the IRS takes your money to pay a debt another agency claims you owe, don’t ask the IRS or Tax Court to solve your issue with that agency
  • Legal marijuana sellers get the ability to obtain offers in compromise -- but, again with a gotch a

Current Federal Tax Developments is brought to you by your state society of CPAs and Nichols Patrick CPE, Incorporated

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May 23, 2016 Current Federal Tax Developments - There's Always a Gotcha Edward K Zollars, CPA

The text of articles for the developments discussed this week is available in PDF form below.