Current Federal Tax Developments

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July 18, 2016 - Late is Not Always Better Than Never

This is Current Federal Tax Developments for the week of July 18, 2016 - Late Isn’t Better Than Never Current Federal Tax Developments is brought to you by the state CPA societies and Nichols Patrick CPE, Incorporated.

This week we’ll look at the following::

  • Ninth Circuit finds a way to decide a discharge of tax liability in bankruptcy case without visiting the question of whether a late filed return ever can have its liability discharged
  • Department of Labor and IRS announce significant proposed revisions to Forms 5500
  • The birth of a child was an unforeseen circumstance in the view of the IRS
  • A state court couldn’t fix a decedent’s significant IRA planning error
  • IRS issues the §501(c)(4) notice rules

The audio for this week is available below.

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2016-07-18 Late Is Not Always Better Than Never Edward K. Zollars, CPA

The articles for this week's podcast can be downloaded as a PDF below: