Current Federal Tax Developments

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2017-12-18 Tax Cut and Jobs Act Conference Bill - Business Provisions (Part 2)

Current Federal Tax Developments is brought to you by your state society of CPAs and the Loscalzo Insitute, a Kaplan Company.

The second part of our analysis of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, looking at what Congress labeled the business provisions. We'll look at the corporate tax rate reduction, the new bonus depreciation at 100%, expanded 179, the limits on deducting interest expense and more.

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2017-12-18 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act - The Business Portion (Part 2 of 2) Ed Zollars, CPA

Below are the slides from this portion of the presentation

2017-12-18 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Business Provisions

The Conference Bill and Report.

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Conference Bill and Report