Current Federal Tax Developments

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2017-03-20 Mailing is Harder Than You Think

Current Federal Tax Developments for the week of March 20, 2017 - Mailing is Tougher Than You Think.  Current Federal Tax Developments is brought to you by the state CPA societies and Nichols Patrick CPE.

This week we look at the following developments

  • IRS gives a short additional period to file extensions for those affected by Winter Storm Stella
  • Students in a State Department sponsored program are not allowed to deduct their travel expenses
  • The IRS applies the unit of property rules to an auto racing operation
  • A taxpayer discovers why it’s not recommended to use a postage meter when mailing tax related documents

An audio only version of this week's update can be streamed or downloaded below:

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2017-03-20 Mailing is Harder Than You Think Ed Zollars, CPA

A PDF with the articles discussed can be downloaded below:

2016-03-20 Current Federal Tax Developments