Current Federal Tax Developments

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2017-08-21 Not Ordinary

Current Federal Tax Developments for the week of August 21, 2017 - Not Ordinary.  Current Federal Tax Developments is brought to you by the state CPA societies and the Loscalzo Institute, a Kaplan Company.

This week we look at the following developments

  • Birth certificate did not establish taxpayer’s age for additional tax on premature distributions
  • No deduction when taxpayer did not request reimbursement from employer
  • Fifth Circuit carves out “facts and circumstances” exception to being able to substitute parcels in a conservation easement
  • Taxpayer’s participation in employer’s IPO did not allow an ordinary loss for commissions paid to sell stock from options exercised
  • IRS tells colleges it is the end of the line for extensions on Form 1098-T tuition reporting

An audio only version of this week's discussion can be streamed or downloaded below.

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2017-08-21 Not Ordinary Ed Zollars, CPA

Articles for this week's session can be downloaded as a PDF below.

2017-08-21 Current Federal Tax Developments