Current Federal Tax Developments

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2018-07-02 Postcard Week

Current Federal Tax Developments for the week of July 2, 2018: Postcard Week.

This week we look at the following items:

  • IRS releases a new “postcard” dratt for Form 1040 along with 6 schedules
  • CPA who advised on ESOP and prepared 5500s was still found to be an independent appraiser on third time to court
  • IRS publishes the list of qualified opportunity zones under TCJA’s Section 1400Z-1
  • A amendment of a return with fraudulent positions does not reduce the fraud penalty
  • Taxpayer discovers IRS had not agreed to waive all penalties when taxpayer agreed to exam changes

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2018-07-02 Postcard Week Edward K. Zollars, CPA

Articles on this week's topics can be read in the PDF you can download below:

2018-07-02 Current Federal Tax Devlopments