Current Federal Tax Developments

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2018-10-01 Employee Benefits Week

Current Federal Tax Developments for the week of October 1, 2018: Employee Benefits Week

This week we look at the following items:

  • Wall Street Journal reports IRS will issue guidance allowing 50% deduction for business meals

  • IRS issues guidance on credit for paying employees on FMLA leave

  • Moving expenses incurred in 2017 but reimbursed in 2018 ruled to be excludable from the employee’s income

  • Special per diem rules, including high/low amounts, updated by the IRS

  • IRS agent found to qualify as an innocent spouse when given what turned out to be a misleading response by soon to be ex-spouse

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2018-10-01 Employee Benefits Week Ed Zollars, CPA (Kaplan Professional Education)

The articles for this week’s developments can be downloaded via the link below:

2018-10-01 Current Federal Tax Developments