Current Federal Tax Developments

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2018-10-28 Denied Deduction Not Excessive Fine

Current Federal Tax Developments for the week of October 28, 2019: Denied Deduction Not an Excessive Fine

  • California rules on tax issues for directors that have meeting in California

  • Chief Counsel’s office gives guidance on use of secured email exchanges

  • §280E found not to represent an excessive fine even if the Tax Court doesn’t completely agree on why

  • Interim guidance issued to Appeals employees on BBA partnership regime

  • Whistleblower cannot force IRS to reopen an audit that he claimed was woefully inadequate

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2018-10-28 Denied Deduction Not Excessive Fine Ed Zollars, CPA (Kaplan Financial Educaton)

This week’s articles can be downloaded as a PDF from the link below:

2018-10-28 Current Federal Tax Developments