Current Federal Tax Developments

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2019-06-03 Sweating the Details (or Lose Out)

Current Federal Tax Developments for the week of May 28, 2019: Sweating the Details (or Lose Out)

  • Evangelizing did not give rise to charitable deduction for most expenses

  • DC Circuit agrees with Tax Court that failure to disclose basis of asset doomed $33 million contribution

  • Taxpayers lose nearly $1 million of basis due to lack of old documents

  • IRS tries one more time to develop a W-4 for the TCJA era

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2019-06-03 Sweating the Details (or Lose Out) Ed Zollars, CPA (Kaplan Financial Education)

Articles for this week’s podcast can be downloaded in PDF form below:

2019-06-03 Current Federal tax Developements