Current Federal Tax Developments

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2019-08-12 Toto Needs Sales Tax Money

Current Federal Tax Developments for the week of August 12, 2019: Dorothy and Toto Need Money

  • Kansas releases out of state seller rules that have no de minimis levels

  • Memorandum holds that partial denial of earned income tax credit can lead to loss of all credit for following two years

  • Tennessee court finds that Boyle rule still applies, taxpayer cannot rely on preparer to efile extension

  • New online tax withholding estimator released by IRS, second revised Form W-4 follows shortly after

  • Revised third-party contact rules released prior to Taxpayer First Rule change that takes effect August 15, 2019

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2019-08-12 Toto Needs Sales Tax Money Ed Zollars, CPA (Kaplan Financial Education)

The articles for this week’s updates can be downloaded below:

2019-08-12 Current Federal Tax Developments