Current Federal Tax Developments

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2019-08-05 About That Bitcoin

Current Federal Tax Developments for the week of August 5, 2019: About that Bitcoin...

  • IRS sends out 10,000 letters on cryptocurrency, including some demanding a response

  • Relief granted on three bonus depreciation elections for year that includes September 28, 2017

  • Draft Schedule K-1 for Form 1120S revised to change §199A information reporting

  • Letter ruling holds a partial deduction allowed for DNA tests requested by an individual

  • Organization not operated exclusively for charitable purpose, §501(c)(3) status revoked retroactively

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2019-08-05 About That Bitcoin Ed Zollars, CPA (Kaplan Professional Education)

The articles for this week’s updates can be downloaded from the link below:

2019-08-05 Current Federal Tax Developments