Current Federal Tax Developments

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2019-09-03 No Horse, No Business

Current Federal Tax Developments for the week of September 3, 2019: No Horse, No Business

  • Tax Court finds that taxpayer did not have a trade or business of raising/showing horses since she didn’t have a horse

  • Tax Court rejects IRS’s “step in the shoes” theory for gifted partnership interest with interest from debt-financed distribution received by donor

  • IRS accepts court’s revision of IRA beneficiary, surviving spouse allowed to treat IRA as her own

  • Coffeehouse was not a §501(c)(3) charitable organization

  • Notice of deficiency sent to addresses used on returns found to be sent to last known address

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2019-09-03 No Horse, No Business Ed Zollars, CPA (Kaplan Financial Educaton)

Articles on this week’s developments can be downloaded below.

2019-09-03 Current Federal Tax Developments