Current Federal Tax Developments

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2018-09-10 SALT Clarification - Well, Not Really

Current Federal Tax Developments for the week of September 10, 2018: SALT Clarification - Well, Not Really

This week we look at the following items:

  • South Dakota to hold a special session so the state can begin to take advantage of their victory in the Wayfair case
  • Taxpayer who withdrew IRA funds based on a notice of intent to levy cannot escape 10% additional tax
  • IRS clarifies the application of the proposed SALT regulations leading to a bevy of questions
  • IRS memorandum concludes seismic fees for offshore drilling must be amortized and cannot be treated as intangible drilling costs
  • President issues an Executive Order for DOL and Treasury to consider certain changes to retirement plans
  • Tax Court disagrees with the IRS’s view on how §1291(c) gains interact with six year statute

An audio only version of this week's broadcast can be streamed or downloaded below:

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2018-09-10 SALT Clarification - Well, Not Really Edward K. Zollars, CPA (Kaplan Professional Education)

A PDF with the articles from this week's broadcast can be downloaded below.

2018-09-10 Current Federal Tax Developments