Current Federal Tax Developments

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2019-09-23 Zombie Power of Attorney

Current Federal Tax Developments for the week of September 23, 2019: Zombie Power of Attorney

  • IRS releases final and new proposed regulations on §168(k) bonus depreciation

  • Settlement offer to be sent to 200 taxpayers under exam for microcaptive structures

  • Government shutdown causes IRS to lose ability to extend statute taxpayer had already agreed to extend

  • Power of attorney not used by son nevertheless left him authorized to act for father, barring claim for extended statute

  • CPA ordered to turn over tax returns of client based on two factor test

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2019-09-23 Zombie Power of Attorney Ed Zollars, CPA (Kaplan Financial Educaton)

The articles for this week’s updates can be downloaded below:

2019-09-23 Current Federal Tax Developments