IRS Releases 2016 Inflation Adjusted Amounts

The IRS released inflation adjusted amounts for 2016 in Revenue Procedure 2015-53.

The tax tables for 2016 will be:

Married Couples Filing a Joint Return

If Taxable Income Is:

The Tax Is:

Not over $18,550

10% of the taxable income

Over $18,550 but not over $75,300

$1,855 plus 15% of the excess over $18,550

Over $75,300 but not over $151,900

$10,367.50 plus 25% of the excess over $75,300

Over $151,900 but not over $231,450

$29,571.50 plus 28% of the excess over $151,900

Over $231,450 but not over $413,350

$51,791.50 plus 33% of the excess over $231,450

Over $413,350 but not over $466,950

$111,818.50 plus 35% of the excess over $413,350

Over $466,950

$130,578.50 plus 39.6% of the excess over $466,950

 Heads of Household

If Taxable Income Is:

The Tax Is:

Not over $13,250

10% of the taxable income

Over $13,250 but not over $50,400

$1,325 plus 15% of the excess over $13,250

Over $50,400 but not over $130,150

$6,897.50 plus 25% of the excess over $50,400

Over $130,150 but not over $210,800

$26,835 plus 28% of the excess over $130,150

Over $210,800 but not over $413,350

$49,417 plus 33% of the excess over $210,800

Over $413,350 not over $441,000

$116,258.50 plus 35% of the excess over $413,350

Over $441,000

$125,936 plus 39.6% of the excess over $441,000


If Taxable Income Is:

The Tax Is:

Not over $9,275

10% of the taxable income

Over $9,275 but not over $37,650

$927.50 plus 15% of the excess over $9,275

Over $37,650 but not over $91,150

$5,183.75 plus 25% of the excess over $37,650

Over $91,150 but not over $190,150

$18,558.75 plus 28% of the excess over $91,150

Over $190,150 but not over $413,350

$46,278.75 plus 33% of the excess over $190,150

Over $413,350 not over $415,050

$119,934.75 plus 35% of the excess over $413,350

Over $415,050

$120,529.75 plus 39.6% of the excess over $415,050

Married Filing Separate Returns

If Taxable Income Is:

The Tax Is:

Not over $9,275

10% of the taxable income

Over $9,275 but not over $37,650

$927.50 plus 15% of the excess over $9,275

Over $37,650 but not over $75,950

$5,183.75 plus 25% of the excess over $37,650

Over $75,950 but not over $115,725

$14,758.75 plus 28% of the excess over $75,950

Over $115,725 but not over $206,675

$25,895.75 plus 33% of the excess over $115,725

Over $206,675 but not over $233,475

$55,909.25 plus 35% of the excess over $233.475

Over $233,475

$65,289.25 plus 39.6% of the excess over $232,475

Estates and Trusts

If Taxable Income Is:

The Tax Is:

Not over $2,550

15% of the taxable income

Over $2,550 but not over $5,950

$382.50 plus 25% of the excess over $2,550

Over $5,950 but not over $9,050

$1,232.50 plus 28% of the excess over $5,950

Over $9,050 but not over $12,400

$2,100.50 plus 33% of the excess over $9,050

Over $12,400

$3,206 plus 39.6% of the excess over $12,400

Other inflation-adjusted items in the notice are:

Unearned Income Taxed As if Parent’s Income (“Kiddie Tax”)

Unearned income in excess of $1,050

Adoption Credit

Maximum credit for both special needs adoptions and other adoptions is $13,460.  The credit begins to phase out at adjusted gross income of $201,920 and is fully phased out at $241,920

Child Tax Credit

The value used to determine the amount under §24 that may be refundable is $3,000

Hope Scholarship Credit

100% of expenses not in excess of $2,000 plus 25% of next $2,000, for a maximum credit of $2,500.  Modified adjusted gross income in excess of $80,000 ($160,000 for a joint return) is used to determine the reduction in the credit

Lifetime Learning Credit

Modified adjusted gross income in excess of $55,000 ($110,000 for a joint return) is used to determine the reduction in the credit

Earned Income Credit

The threshold phase-out amounts and completed phase-out amounts for 2016 for married couples filing a joint return:


Number of Qualifying Children



Three or More


Earned Income Amount





Maximum Amount of Credit





Threshold Phaseout Amount (Single, Surviving Spouse or Head of Household)





Completed Phaseout Amount(Single, Surviving Spouse or Head of Household)





Threshold Phaseout Amount (Married Filing Jointly)





Completed Phaseout (Married Filing Jointly)






Excess Investment Income for Earned Income Credit

EITC not allowed if investment income exceeds $3,400

Rehabilitation Expenditures Treated as Separate New Building

The per low-income unit qualified basis amount under §42(e)(3)(A)(ii)(II) is $6,700

Refundable Credit for Coverage Under a Qualified Health Plan. For taxable years beginning in 2015, the limitation on tax imposed under § 36B(f)(2)(B) for excess advance credit payments is determined using the following table:

If the household income (expressed as a percent of poverty line) is:

The limitation amount for unmarried individuals

(other than surviving spouses and heads of household) is:

The limitation amount for all other taxpayers is:


Less than 200%



At least 200% but less

than 300%



At least 300% but less

than 400%




Rehabilitation Expenditures Treated as Separate New Building

For calendar year 2015, the per low-income unit qualified basis amount under § 42(e)(3)(A)(ii)(II) is $6,700.

Low-Income Housing Credit

The amount used to calculate the State housing ceiling is the greater of (1) $2.35 multiplied by the State population or (2) $2,690,000

Employee Health Insurance Credit under §45R

The average wage phase-out begins at $25,900

Exemption Amounts for Alternative Minimum Tax

Joint Returns or Surviving Spouses $83,800

Single and Head of Household $53,900

Married Individuals Filing a Separate Return $41,900

Estates and Trusts $23,900

AMTI Level at Which the 28% Rate Applies

Married Individuals Filing Separate Returns $93,150

Other Taxpayers $186,300

AMT Phaseout of Exemption Amounts Begin at

Joint Returns or Surviving Spouses $159,700

Single and Head of Household $119,700

Married Individuals Filing Separate Returns $79,850

AMT Exemption for Child Subject to the “Kiddie Tax”

The child’s earned income plus $7,400

Transportation Mainline Pipeline Construction Industry Optional Expense Substantiation Rules for Payments to Employees under Accountable Plans

Up to $17 an hour for rig related expenses if the employer does not reimburse fuel.  Up to $11 an hour if the employer does reimburse fuel [Rev Proc 2002–41]

Standard Deduction

Married Individuals Filing a Joint Return and Surviving Spouses $12,600

Heads of Household $9,300

Single $6,300

Married Individuals Filing Separate Returns $6,300

Standard Deduction for Person Who May be Claimed as a Dependent

Greater of $1,050 or the sum of $350 and the individual’s earned income

Aged or Blind Additional Standard Deduction

The additional standard deduction is $1,250.  The amount is increased to $1,550 if the individual is unmarried and not a surviving spouse

Overall Limit on Itemized Deductions (“Pease” Limitation) Begins to Apply

Joint return or Surviving Spouse $311,300

Head of Household $285,350

Single $259,400

Married Individual Filing a Separate Return $155,650

Cafeteria Plan Medical FSA Deferrals

Maximum of $2,550

Qualified Transportation Fringe Benefit

Monthly limitation for transportation in a commuter highway vehicle and any transit pass is $130.  Monthly maximum exclusion for qualified parking is $255

United State Savings Bonds Higher Education Expenses

Exclusion begins to phase out  for modified gross income above $116,300 for joint returns and $77,550 for other returns.  The exclusion completely phases out for modified adjusted gross income of  $146,300 or more for joint returns and $92,550 or more for other returns

Adoption Assistance Programs

The limits and phase outs are the same as for the adoption credit

Personal Exemption


Personal Exemption Phase-Out

Married filing joint and surviving spouse begins at $311,300 and is completely phased out at $433,800

Heads of household begins at $285,350 and is completely phased out at $407,850

Single begins at $259,400 and is completely phased out at $381,900

Married individuals filing separate returns begins at $155,650 and is completely phased out at $216,900

Eligible Long-Term Care Premiums Limit Based on Age Attained at Close of Taxable Year

40 or less $390

More than 40 but not more than 50 $730

More than 50 but not more than 60 $1,460

More than 60 but not more than 70 $3,900

More than 70 $4,870

Medical Savings Account High Deductible Health Plan

Self-only coverage:  annual deductible not less than $2,250 and not more than $3,350, with a maximum out of pocket of no more than $4,450

Family coverage:  annual deductible not less than $4,450 and not more than $6,700, with a maximum out of pocket of no more than $8,150

Interest on Education Loans

Begins to phase out at modified adjusted gross income of $65,000 ($130,000 for joint returns) and is completely phased out at MAGI of $80,000 or more ($160,000 or more for joint returns)

Insubstantial Benefit Limitations for Contributions Associated with Charitable Fund Raising Campaigns

For purposes of defining the term “unrelated trade or business” for certain exempt organizations under § 513(h)(2), “low cost articles” are articles costing $10.60 or less.

Under § 170, the $5, $25, and $50 guidelines in section 3 of Rev. Proc. 90-12, 1990-1 C.B. 471 (as amplified by Rev. Proc. 92-49, 1992-1 C.B. 987, and modified by Rev. Proc. 92-102, 1992-2 C.B. 579), for the value of insubstantial benefits that may be received by a donor in return for a contribution, without causing the contribution to fail to be fully deductible, are $10.60, $53, and $106, respectively.

Covered Expatriate

An individual generally is a covered expatriate if the individual’s “average annual net income tax” under §877(a)(2)(A) for the five taxable years ending before the expatriation date is more than $161,000.

Tax Responsibilities for Expatriation

The amount that would be includible in the gross income of a covered expatriate by reason of § 877A(a)(1) is reduced (but not below zero) by $693,000.

Foreign Earned Income Exclusion


Unified Credit Against Estate Tax

Basic exclusion amount is $5,450,000

Valuation of Qualified Real Property in Decedent’s Gross Estate

If the executor elects to use the special use valuation method under § 2032A for qualified real property, the aggregate decrease in the value of qualified real property resulting from electing to use § 2032A for purposes of the estate tax cannot exceed $1,110,000.

Annual Exclusion for Gifts

Present interest gifts $14,000

Gifts to spouse who is not a citizen of the United States $148,000

Notice of Large Gifts Received from Foreign Persons


Interest on a Certain Portion of an Estate Tax Payable in Installments

The dollar amount used to determine the "2-percent portion" (for purposes of calculating interest under § 6601(j)) of the estate tax extended as provided in § 6166 is $1,480,000.

Periodic Payments Received under Qualified Long-Term Care Insurance Contracts or under Certain Life Insurance Contracts

The stated dollar amount of the per diem limitation under § 7702B(d)(4), regarding periodic payments received under a qualified long-term care insurance contract or periodic payments received under a life insurance contract that are treated as paid by reason of the death of a chronically ill individual, is $340.