Depreciation Limits for Autos Placed in Service in 2020 Released by the IRS
The IRS has published the revised depreciation limits for vehicles under IRC §280F(d)(7) in Revenue Procedure 2020-37.[1] The limits on depreciation for such assets are adjusted for inflation each year.
For passenger automobiles acquired after September 27, 2017 and placed in service during 2020, the limitation on depreciation if §168(k)’s bonus depreciation applies is:
1st tax year - $18,000
2nd tax year - $16,100
3rd tax year - $9,700
Each succeeding year - $5,760.[2]
For such a passenger automobile where §168(k)’s bonus depreciation rules do not apply, including when the taxpayer has elected not to have them apply or for vehicles acquired on or before September 27, 2017, the limits are:
1st tax year - $10,100
2nd tax year - $16,100
3rd tax year - $9,700
Each succeeding year - $5,760.[3]
The revenue procedure also includes a table to determine the lease inclusion amount under Reg. §1.280F-7(a) for passenger automobiles with a lease term beginning in 2020.[4]
[1] Revenue Procedure 2020-37, July 8, 2020, (retrieved July 8, 2020)
[2] Revenue Procedure 2020-37, Table 1
[3] Revenue Procedure 2020-37, Table 2
[4] Revenue Procedure 2020-37, Table 3