Relief from Estimated Tax Penalties Provided for Farmers and Fishermen Unable to File 2014 Returns by March 1, 2015 Due to Erroneous Forms 1095-A

With the problems arising from the erroneous Forms 1095-As issued by the Department of Health and Human Services that was announced on February 20, the IRS advised taxpayers to hold off on filing returns until corrected forms were issued.  However, certain qualifying farmers and fisherman can qualify for relief from the general requirement to pay estimated taxes quarterly, being able to pay the entire balance due with their return without a penalty so long as it is filed on or before March 1 of the following year.

In Notice 2015-22 the IRS provided relief to these taxpayers who found themselves waiting on the revised Forms 1095-A while the deadline for penalty free filings passed by.  The penalties will be waived for affected taxpayers so long as an affected qualifying taxpayer files their return and pays the tax on their 2014 return by April 15, 2015.

To obtain relief, an affected taxpayer should take the following steps:

  • Attach a Form 2210-F, Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Farmers and Fishermen, to their return (either electronically or on paper);
  • The taxpayer should fill in their name, identification number and check the waiver box on page 1 of the form; and
  • The rest of the form should be left blank.