Transcripts Can Serve As Equivalent of Estate Closing Letters per IRS

The IRS continues its apparent push to get out of the business of issuing closing letters for estates by issuing guidance in Notice 2017-12 that states that estates and their authorized representatives can request an account transcript in lieu of a closing to confirm that an IRS examination of the estate is completed and closed.

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IRS Debuts Estate Transcript System to Replace Routine Issuance of Closing Letters to Estates

As was noted earlier in 2015, the IRS has now provided a transcript alternative to the issuance of closing letters for Forms 706.  The details of obtaining the transcript is found on the IRS website at

The IRS had earlier announced that the agency would no longer be issuing closing letters to estates that had filed Form 706 for forms filed on or after June 1, 2015.  While the initial announcement had indicated there would be a method to request a closing letter, the IRS later suggested at an ABA conference that it would create a transcript system to replace estate closing letters. 

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