IRS Revises Unnecessary QTIP Election Revenue Procedure to Allow for Portability Planning

The IRS, as promised in the regulations issued to implement the portability election under IRC §2010, has now issued a revised Revenue Procedure (Revenue Procedure 2016-49) which modifies the conditions under which a QTIP election will be deemed invalid that were contained in Revenue Procedure 2001-38.

The qualified terminable interest property (QTIP) election under IRC §2056(b)(7) is designed to allow a trust to be created to hold property passing to a surviving spouse with an interest that terminates at his/her death, with ultimate disposition controlled by the trust document itself.  When the election is made, the surviving spouse agrees to treat the property as part of his/her estate despite having an interest that normally would be considered solely a life estate.  With that election in place, the property qualifies for the unlimited marital exclusion at the first death.

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