IRS Issues Additional Information Related to and Makes Updates to Procedures for Research Credit Claims

Following up on guidance issued in mid-October 2021 that the agency would be imposing new requirements on amended returns filed for research credit claims under IRC §41, the IRS has issued a memorandum to its employees on these new requirements[1] along with a web page of frequently asked questions (FAQ) on the issue.[2]

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LB&I Division Announces Method for Using ASC 730 Research Costs to Determine Qualified Research Expenditures for Research Credit

The IRS has issued guidance (LB&I Memorandum  LB&I-04-0917-005) that allows certain large taxpayers to adopt a simplified method of determining qualified research expenditures (QREs) to be used in computing the credit for increasing research activities under IRC §41.  The method makes use of the entity’s audited financial statement’s amount of research and development expenditures reported as an expense under the provisions found in Financial Accounting Standards Codification ASC 730, Research and Development.

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Interim Guidance Issued for Taxpayers Electing to Claim Research Credit Against Payroll Taxes

The Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015 provided for a new way for certain businesses to receive the benefit of the research credit under IRC §41.  A qualifying small business may, in lieu of the income tax credit, receive a credit against the employer portion of social security taxes [IRC §41(h)].  The IRS has provided interim guidance on taking advantage of this provision in Notice 2017-23.

Image copyright alexraths / 123RF Stock Photo

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