IRS Extends Due Dates for Providing Forms 1095-B and C for 2016, But Not for Filing Returns with IRS

The IRS has announced an extension of the due date for providing Forms 1095-B and 1095-C to individuals in Notice 2016-70.  The Forms 1095-B and 1095-C are used to report to individuals whether they possessed minimum essential coverage (MEC) for the year and, for employees of applicable large employers, whether they had an offer of MEC that provided minimum value as well as information to determine that offered coverage was affordable. 

Individuals use that information to determine if they are subject to a shared responsibility payment for failure to have MEC for some or all of the year, as well as whether the individual qualifies for a tax credit that offsets a portion of the cost of any insurance they obtained from the applicable exchange.

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IRS Extends Due Dates for Providing Forms 1095-B and C, As Well As Filing Returns with IRS

The IRS has announced an extension of the due date for filing Forms 1095-B, 1095-C, 1094-B, and 1094-C in Notice 2016-4.  The Forms 1095-B and 1095-C are used to report to individuals whether they possessed minimum essential coverage (MEC) for the year and, for employees of applicable large employers, whether they had an offer of MEC that provided minimum value as well as information to determine that offered coverage was affordable. 

Individuals use that information to determine if they are subject to a shared responsibility payment for failure to have MEC for some or all of the year, as well as whether the individual qualifies for a tax credit that offsets a portion of the cost of any insurance they obtained from the applicable exchange.

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IRS Proposes Revised Regulations on Reporting of Minimum Essential Coverage That Would Reduce Duplicative Reporting

The IRS has issued Notice 2015-68 that outlines some clarifications the IRS plans to make to information reporting for minimum essential coverage (MEC).  

The notice covers a number of special situations including as described in its first paragraph:

This notice advises taxpayers that the Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service intend to propose regulations under § 6055 of the Internal Revenue Code (1) providing that health insurance issuers must report coverage in catastrophic health insurance plans described in § 1302(e) of the Affordable Care Act enrolled in through an Affordable Insurance Exchange (Exchange, also known as a Health Insurance Marketplace), (2) allowing electronic delivery of statements reporting coverage under expatriate health plans unless the recipient explicitly refuses consent or requests a paper statement, (3) allowing filers reporting on insured group health plans to use a truncated taxpayer identification number (TTIN) to identify the employer on the statement furnished to a taxpayer, and (4) specifying when a provider of minimum essential coverage is not required to report coverage of an individual who has other minimum essential coverage. This notice also invites comments on issues relating to solicitation of taxpayer identification numbers (TINs) of covered individuals; advises that the governments of United States possessions or territories, namely American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, are not required to report coverage under Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP); and provides that the state government agency sponsoring coverage under the Basic Health Program is required to report Basic Health Program coverage.


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