Interest Due Back from 2002 When Tax Exempt Determined in 2013 to be Retroactively Lost

The Tax Court ruled that when an entity has its tax-exempt status retroactively revoked, interest is due on any underpaid tax for the years that the entity now has a tax liability from the date a return would have been originally due for an entity that did not have exempt status.  In CreditGuard of America, Inc. v. Commissioner, 149 TC No. 17 the Tax Court rejected the taxpayer’s view that interest should not begin to run until the date it was finally determined the entity was not tax exempt.

The issue of the retroactive loss of the organization’s exempt status back to 2002 had previously been decided in a stipulated Tax Court decision entered on November 30, 2012, based on an examination the IRS had begun in 2003 but not concluded until February of 2012.  The total tax determined to be due from the taxpayer was $216,547.

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