Interaction of Loss Disallowance Rules of §707 and Substantial Built in Loss Rules of §743(d) Discussed in Three IRS Private Letter Rulings

In a series of private letter rulings (PLRs 201613001201613002 and 201613003) the IRS issued a ruling on how to handle a situation where both the related party loss rules of IRC §707(b)(1)(a) and the substantial built-in loss rules of §743(d) applied to a transaction.

The cases involved the sale of a partnership interest to a grantor trust by a partnership in a transaction that triggered a disallowed loss to the seller under the related party rules of IRC §707(b)(1)(a). 

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Proposed Regulations Issued to Provide Factors to Be Used to Test for Disguised Payments for Services to a Partner

The IRS has issued proposed regulations (REG-115452-14) that will establish a series of tests to determine if an arrangement will be treated as a disguised payment for services under IRC §707(a)(2)(A).  The key test, based on the section’s legislative history, will be whether the payment is subject to significant entrepreneurial risk.

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Transfer of State Credits Found to Be a Disguised Sale

The third time was not a charm for the taxpayer in the case of SWF Real Estate, LLC, et al. v. Commissioner, TC Memo 2015-63.  As was true in the case of Virginia Historic Tax Credit Fund 2001 v. Commissioner, 693 F.3d 146, CA4 reversing TC Memo 2009-295 and Route 231, LLC v. Commissioner, TC Memo 2014-30 the issue involved whether individuals who paid money to become “partners” that received tax credits from the state of Virginia had really simply bought credits in a disguised sale under IRC §707(a)(2).  And, as was eventually found in the prior cases, the Court determined the answer was yes.

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